An Orwellian Nightmare
California's Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom shared a video from the N.R.A. that was utterly foul and putrid. It bothered him, and it bothered me as well. In it, they condescendingly belittle liberals, exclaiming how they are brainwashing people through the media, through Hollywood, and through schools. After making this an issue of us versus them, the N.R.A. proclaimed in dictatorial fashion that only they can "save our country and our freedoms...[by] fight[ing] this violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth." By "violence of lies," they mean active attempts to crush their false narrative. And by "clenched fist of truth," they mean propaganda. The N.R.A. has been very successful in promoting their hateful ideology and stifling all efforts to pass any real reforms in our gun laws. By their own hideous talents, they've managed to change the conversation around Sandy Hook from being focused on ensuring that elementary school children are ...