Al Franken Should Resign.
I'm taking a brief break from my Profiles In Politics series to address the Al Franken scandal. I admired Al Franken, not just because of his background in comedy, but also because of his forceful advocacy of progressive values. In high school, I included him in a drawing that I did of Progressive Senators that I admired: himself, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders. His official Instagram still follows me after I shared the picture on Instagram; which I took great pride in. So, as terrible as it is to see someone I admire be named as a sexual harasser, what's more important is the fact that these people were harassed and it was wrong. Two so far have spoken out against him. Will there be more? Al Franken should resign from the Senate. In the Democratic Party, we have to set an example of the changes we want to see in our society. We can't expect things to change in regards to sexual harassment if there is no self accountability or self responsibility. As the real pa...