Dr. King and the Religious Left
In these times, we are sorely lacking in moral leaders. We have people like Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell, Jr. who claim to be our nation’s moral authority. And yet they continue to back a man whose actions and behavior serve as an example of what is unchristian: denying immigrants a safe refuge from their respective countries; working not as a steward to the environment, but as a shill for coal mining companies; and forgetting what Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount “blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” These abhorrent examples among others have shown that we are lacking a true moral authority. These men of the cloth, along with their predecessors: Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Oral Roberts among others, have used their faith to move this country, the United States of America, in the wrong direction; towards a fiery path of destruction, hatred, and malice; and away from (to ironically quote Ronald Reagan) a shining city on the hill, where equality, lo...