Ding Dong Wealthcare Is Dead!

Today offered millions of Americans a sigh of relief when it became apparent that not only would Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell not get his way with repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, but when it also became apparent that he did not get his way today when three Republican Senators said they would vote against his proposal to just repeal the Affordable Care Act alone, effectively killing it. Those three Senators are Susan Collins (R-ME), Shelley Moore Caputo (R-WV), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).

The irony of those three being the final nail in the coffin of Wealthcare is that they, along with all female Senators, were kept out of the process to create Wealthcare in the first place. In secret, there were about a dozen or so white, cisgendered, male lawmakers, deciding what is best for everyone else in the United States of America, without the input of a single female in the entire Senate. What goes around comes back around.

What I find infuriating about this whole thing though, besides the fact that Republicans wanted to gut the Affordable Care Act so that they could give a few Billionaires some tax breaks; is that they have wasted 7 whole years trying to sabotage the Affordable Care Act but have not offered any real replacement. They've had 7 years to come up with an alternative: one that would "give people freedom" as they rallied for, one that would "bring down premiums" as they promised, and one that would "ensure that everyone who wants insurance has insurance."

Instead, no promises were kept, and instead, there was a whole bunch of sneaking around, trying to keep the majority of the Senate and the majority of Americans ignorant. Of course, it emboldened Democrats, and many Americans who got themselves arrested for holding sit-ins at their Senators' offices.

Now of course, McConnell has the nerve to try and ram the repeal bill through the Senate, but again, it doesn't have the votes.

Democrats have done a great job keeping up the pressure and attention on Wealthcare, but this week is going to be very important. Democrats are going to have to not only keep up the pressure until after this bill is finally voted down in the Senate, but they are also going to have to start planning on what they would like to see changed about the Affordable Care Act. They must show the American people what they can do now to fix the Affordable Care Act, since Republicans wasted 7 years and failed to do anything substantive. Too much time has been wasted trying to throw away health insurance for millions of people when there is a real problem with the individual exchanges and the cost of premiums. On top of that, there are still 28 million Americans that remain uninsured.

Democrats, now is your time to shine. Time to introduce real solutions to our health insurance problems, such as better subsidies for medicaid recipients, a medicaid buy in for those who normally wouldn't qualify for it, and price controls among other things. You may not have the majority of seats in the Senate but you have the American people on your side.


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